How do I receive my full refund?
We will offer a full refund for all returnable items, excluding shipping fee.
How can I return items?
You may check out our Return Policy first, then please contact our Customer Service about which items you want to return.
Note: Item ID is needed, so that our agent can process your return request and offer the nearest return address to you.
Can I exchange?
We accept return for refund or exchange within a few days after delivery. Please make sure items are in good condition and original packing.
Please note that exchange will need more days than processing a new order. Since it will be quicker for you to place a new order directly, we suggest you return for refund. Please contact our Customer Service for further help.
What is my refund status?
Most returns can be processed within several business days after we receive your package. Considering for delivery, we may need a few days to confirm your refund.
If you have chosen the refund to your card, the whole process may need several business days as you card bank need to process the refund to you. Please understand that we need to refund to your card bank first. But your card bank may need several business days to transfer the money to your card account. We can't control the processing speed of your card bank. Please ask the bank card for detailed information.
We apologize genuinely for the inconvenience caused and thanks for your kind understanding.